Thursday 1 May 2014

Self Directed : Colour Study Painting

Untitled, Acrylic on Cartridge Paper, 30x20cm

I have recently been very interested in Paul Klee's theories which I have discovered since reading 'Klee on Modern art'. The sections where Klee writes about the creative process of creating a painting, which he believes begins in the subconscious - was of great interest to me. Klee then goes on to talk about the different dimensions which artists consider while painting - line, tone, value, colour. I have thought about these dimensions in much greater depth than I had in my previous paintings. I have discovered that each choice of colour changes all subsequent blocks, I see this as meaning the outcome is continually being rewritten. For each block, I have considered the size of the block, judged in relation to the size of other blocks' sizes. I have also considered the form of each block - the line has influence on this. I have considered my choice in colour too which has been judged in relation to neighboring blocks.  

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